Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mother's Day Gift

Just in time for Mother's Day, because what Grandma isn't in love with their grandkids :)

                                size: 10"x10"
                                price: $15 (+ shipping if you are out of state)

About:  MDF board with hand painted letters. You can either buy this exact board or pick your own colors that match your Mom's house...  or mother-in-law's!! :)

If you are interested in ordering one, you can either leave me a comment with what you would like to order. Or you can email me at

Thanks for your business!


  1. I'd like one, missy! How do I order it?!

  2. Hey Leslie! Email me at and let me know if you would like the board pictured or if you want it custom, then let me know what colors you would like. Thanks!!

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